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OSSO Self Adhesive Book Cover ${selectedItem.item_title}

LEGO - ${selectedItem.sku}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.sale_price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
Condition : ${currentCondition}
Color : ${currentColor}
Item is out of stock

Sampul buku berupa film dengan perekat. Terbuat dari plastik frosted tembus pandang, untuk melindungi buku dari cairan dan kotoran. Buku jadi lebih rapi dan tahan lama.

Tiap pack berisi 10 lembar.

Tersedia dalam 3 ukuran:

Small: 34x25 cm
Medium: 43x30 cm
Large: 47x34 cm (setara A4)

Cara pasang:

  1. Kupas dan pasang stiker pada bagian tengah buku (spine)
  2. Kupas dan pasang stiker pada cover buku
  3. Lanjutkan dengan merapikan stiker di tepi buku
Product Dimension (cm) NA
Actual Weight (kg) : 0.1
Shipping Weight* (kg) : 0.10

*Shipping weight is estimated to be slightly larger due to packaging material to ensure safe shipping. Combination of more products into same order/shipment will also result in a different total shipping weight. Learn more about shipping & packaging

IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.sale_price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
Condition : ${currentCondition}
Color : ${currentColor}
Item is out of stock

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