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KOKUYO GLOO Glue Stick (DISAPPEARING / BLUE) ${selectedItem.item_title}

LEGO - ${selectedItem.sku}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.sale_price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
Condition : ${currentCondition}
Color : ${currentColor}
Item is out of stock

KOKUYO GLOO Glue stick ini memiliki bentuk persegi yang dirancang untuk mudahkan dalam merekatkan tepi atau sudut kertas, foto, dekorasi, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, dengan bentuk persegi dapat mencegah glue stick berguling dan jatuh dari meja Anda. KOKUYO Glue Stick tipe DISAPPEARING memberikan hasil warna biru saat pengaplikasiannya sehingga dapat membantu Anda dalam mengidentifikasi area lem, dan terlihat jelas saat mengering.

Available in SMALL (20 gr) and MEDIUM (22 gr)

Product Dimension (cm) NA
Actual Weight (kg) : 0.075
Shipping Weight* (kg) : 0.075

*Shipping weight is estimated to be slightly larger due to packaging material to ensure safe shipping. Combination of more products into same order/shipment will also result in a different total shipping weight. Learn more about shipping & packaging

IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.sale_price).formatMoney(0)}
IDR ${parseFloat(selectedItem.price).formatMoney(0)}
Condition : ${currentCondition}
Color : ${currentColor}
Item is out of stock

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